Thursday, January 15, 2009

MLK Day - Being of Service

I just watched a video of Barack Obama encouraging Americans to be of service to others in whatever way they feel they can. He reminded me of what Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "Anyone can be great because everyone can be of service." I've never been more aware of the truth of this statement, than I am now.

There is a stage in life, a very important stage in life, where we are selfish. A stage, where all we want to do is focus on ourselves and our own happiness. And that's okay. But ultimately there is a limit on that type of self-gratification.

Being of service to others opens your heart. It takes us out of our own selfish neurosis and reminds us of what it really important. It shows us that when what we do is not simply about fulfilling our own happiness, we are happier and more fulfilled than ever before.

It is the same with our finances. When we focus on making money for ourselves by feeling good about and fulfilling ourselves, that can be very beneficial and quite necessary. When we begin to focus on making money to benefit ourselves, as well as, being of service to others, that is the doorway to wealth, coupled with financial health.

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